There is almost 200 metric tons of trash, equipment bags of urine, feces, and vomit on the moon ~ Breathlesspics

There is almost 200 metric tons of trash, equipment bags of urine, feces, and vomit on the moon

The surface of the moon is soiled with hundreds of  items, from spacecraft to bags of urine all of human origin.

• more than 70 vehicles, spacecrafts, modules and routers
• Five USA flags
• 2 golf balls
• 24 boots
• several cameras
• film envelopes
• 96 bags of urine, feces, and vomit
• several DIY javelins
• different tools and shovels
• bags
•  blankets
•  towels
• used wipes
• personal hygiene items
• empty packages of dehidrated food

 • a photograph of Charles Duke's family
• a small aluminum sculpture, a tribute to the American and Soviet "fallen astronauts" who died in the space race
• a patch from the never-launched Apollo 1, which went down in flames
• a small silicon disk bearing goodwill messages from 73 world leaders
• a silver pin
• a medal honoring  Vladimir Komarov and Yuri Gagarin
• a cast golden olive branch


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